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Exercise Prescription & Programming

COVID Screening
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Hi Allison. I never stopped working with patients, but have been 100% stress testing. We slowed significantly, only seeing urgent cases, then opened back up in May. What happens here is that our patients are screened at the front door for symptoms and get their temperature taken. Then if we have any suspicion once they reach the department, we turn them away and get them appropriate appointments/care.

My personal experience has been using only level 2 masks and eye protection with cardiopulmonary/spirometry. Never had any symptoms, negative testing, negative antibodies (for what that's worth).

We have not had any patient to staff transmission documented, only staff to staff interestingly.

I know there is debate on if exercise/exercise testing in as aerosolizing procedure, but if the room is well ventilated and limited to only the necessary people involved and reasonable PPE is worn, should be safe enough, although can never say 100%.

Not sure if that was helpful, good luck!

Mark Patterson, M.Ed.

I was wondering if anyone has resumed working in person with patients and if so, how do you screen for COVID symptoms? Has anyone used any apps and found them user friendly/ sufficient?

Allison Carhart
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