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clinical exercise physiologist career progression
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Hi Carol,
As I'm sure you're aware, different institutions have differing approaches to promotion of clinical exercise physiologists. As you mention, senior (or lead) CEP is a fairly common position. Many institutions have CEPs as the "coordinator" or "supervisor" of a cardiac rehab program or cardiac testing unit. In addition, those with advanced degrees often have the opportunity to work in middle management as managers of cardiac rehab, cardiac testing, heart failure clinics, etc. For staff who are "working their way up the ladder", it's a good idea to consider how they might contribute in a different way (teach about exercise in a diabetes clinic, work as a consultant in a weight management program, become the staff "expert" in a particular area of chronic disease and exercise). When CEPs engage in these ways and become involved with other healthcare professionals, we help promote the work of clinical exercise physiologists and help to grow our profession.
Hi All,
Beyond a job position of senior clinical exercise physiologist, what can one expect to be a reasonable job progression? What experiences have any of you had in your current place of employment that may be beneficial for career progression titles/positions and job descriptions for institutions new to hiring clinical exercise physiologists?
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